The ACS entry-level reading enrichment program consists of five main elements: outside reading, outside essay writing (based on readings), in-class reading, in-class analysis of text, and in-class essay review.
Course objectives
The focus of this course is to emphasize in-depth understanding of reading material, as opposed to merely "Getting the gist of it." During reading sessions, students will participate in oral readings of Sherlock Holmes or one of the other selections from the reading list. Session readings are designed to emphasize the importance of "Active" as opposed to "Passive" reading by questioning the student's analysis and building upon that analysis through the Socratic method. Students will not be given answers, but rather questioned on their answers until a higher-level reasoning and analysis are achieved. Questions will be directed towards learning how to better understand complex phrases, connecting vague pronouns to their initial subjects, understanding difficult vocabulary via context, breaking down complex and misleading analogies/metaphors, and avoiding “knee-jerk” responses and clichés.
Essay topics will be assigned at intervals to develop writing skills.
Required materials: Spiral Notebook; Three-Ring Binder, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes; Ender’s Game